Spiritual Infusions
A happy accident during these COVID times was discovering a forgotten decanter of infused spirits on my bar cabinet this summer. Started before stay at home and intended for end of winter warming cocktails, my infusion sat undisturbed as we focused on safely adjusting to life. Our first outdoor porch gathering early this summer prompted my discovery of the forgotten decanter. Cinnamon sticks, cacao nibs, and vanilla beans in vodka, now turned amber, offered a special treat for iced coffee drinks served under the summer stars.
As we turn to fall, gathering with loved ones to practice the ancient ritual of circles around the fire, it’s time to start our infusion once again. We offer the following infusion to warm your belly. The mix below will give you a chocolatey, sweet, yet warm spirit that mixes well with coffee drinks.
Vodka Infused With Cinnamon, Cacao Nibs, and Vanilla Beans
Materials: vintage glass decanter with stopper from Goods and Provisions, fine mesh strainer, funnel.
4 cups of vodka (we use Tito’s)
3 cinnamon sticks, slightly crushed
2 vanilla beans (split)
1/4 cup cacao nibs
Pour vodka into decanter with funnel. Add ingredients. Shake. Place decanter in a cool, darker spot in your home. Shake every few days to distribute ingredients. Taste after three weeks to see if you enjoy the flavors. If so, strain into a bowl, discard solids and return your new, infused spirits to the decanter. You can add more of whichever ingredient feels right to your tastebuds and keep the infusion going longer until you are satisfied.
PS. Next we have a quick infusion technique for making crème de cacao. Hello Brandy Alexanders! And Banshees, And…..
Goods and Provisions offers beautiful vintage cocktail shakers, glasses, and napkins to help serve your infused creations in sustainable style. Stay safe and warm, friends.